Friday, December 14, 2018

What is PMI ?


Jennifer Miller <>
Fri 12/14/2018, 2:15 AM


My name is Jenn Miller, I’m the Editor at OpenListings. I’ve been reading about VA loan and your page: appeared in my search.

Our editorial team focuses on educating readers on advances in home buying and real estate. With that, I wanted to share an article that my team has recently put together. I’ve added it to a Google doc: 

What is PMI? Breaking it down

Which was originally published in our blog:

Would you be interested in sharing it as a resource with your readers by publishing on your blog?

You are welcome to make necessary edits, as long as the source is cited. Then, as a token of good faith, you can send over articles you wish to promote and my team will share it across their social channels to help promote your site.

Let me know if you're interested and I can send you more articles on a regular basis.

Thanks in advance,


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