Thursday, September 18, 2014

FW: DAV: September 2014 Newsletter

Thank You
Robert Serge
VVA 17 Member
Blog Master
To all my fellow veterans friends and family my we all remember 

Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 06:00:41 -0500
Subject: DAV: September 2014 Newsletter

Disabled American Veterans (DAV) DAV - Disabled American Veterans
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DAV Members Set Their Course

DAV Members Set Their Course

During a meeting at DAV's annual convention, disabled veterans decided their own goals for the year ahead. While there, DAV National Commander Joseph Johnston, left, introduced new VA head Robert McDonald.

Vet of the Year: "Saved for a Purpose"Roger Ferland

DAV named Roger Ferland its Outstanding Disabled Veteran of 2014. The lawyer, who set up free legal clinics for veterans, has a wonderful sense of humor, says his daughter, and is "really, really good at coping with setbacks."

You too will help vets cope with setbacks as you give $25, $50, $100, or more now.
You can make a difference in the lives of our nation's injured veterans!
Need help filing your VA claims? Turn to your local DAV office.
Join your fellow wounded veterans and become a member of DAV today.
Stand by our veterans and give the gift of your time.
Anyone can support the families of our heroes. Learn about DAVA today!
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DAV 5K Registration Now Open!

The DAV 5K will be held in two cities over Veterans Day weekend in 2014. Join us in Cincinnati or San Diego for this exciting event that raises critical funds for ill and injured veterans. Learn more at!
Veterans Promised Timely Healthcare

Veterans Promised Timely Healthcare

DAV responds to the recent passage of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act, calling it a welcome first step in restoring the confidence and capacity of the VA to properly care for veterans.
Immobile Vet Gets a Lift

Immobile Vet Gets a Lift

When DAV members heard a veteran's mobility issues confined him to his basement, they stepped in to install a donated chair lift. Now the man can safely get upstairs to dine with his wife.
Shirley Kosisky

DAV Auxiliary Member of the Year

Shirley Kosisky co-founded Transitional Living Communities, a program for homeless veterans and their families, and has combated drug abuse in her state.  Shirley was recently named the DAV Auxiliary's Outstanding Member of the Year.
Triathlon Raises 40K for DAV

Triathlon Raises 40K for DAV

Swimming, running, and biking athletes in the Willow Creek Triathlon raised $40,139 to provide another kind of transportation for veterans: DAV's free rides to their medical appointments.

DAV Helps Widow Keep House

DAV Helps Widow Keep House

After losing her veteran husband and nearly her home, a widow learned DAV helps spouses and families like her. National Service Officer Jason Zielke helped turn her life around.
In Their Own Voices

In Their Own Voices

In its series Unbroken Soldiers, the INSP cable network, in collaboration with DAV, has begun airing veteran's inspiring stories about their road to recovery.
Patriot Day, September 11

Patriot Day, September 11

As we observed Patriot Day on 9/11, we remembered that ours is not a world at peace. For veterans hurt in conflicts, both recent and long-ago, those reminders are a daily fact of life.

But you provide the help our veterans need every day as you make your kindest gift of $25 … $50 … $100 or more to DAV now.

DAV (Disabled American Veterans) | P.O. Box 14301 | Cincinnati, OH 45250-0301
Copyright © DAV, All Rights Reserved. DAV is a tax-exempt organization, and all contributions are tax deductible according to IRS regulation. | Forward to a Friend | View as Webpage | Unsubscribe

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